Technology Partners & Affiliates
LebenTech utilization of technology partners provides numerous benefits to our clients as well as: flexibility in scheduling, ease of planning, reduction of incurred travel expenses, availability of local expertise, and ability to limit cost to hours worked on an as-needed basis only. Our partners and affiliates are recognized below.
Argus Engineering LLC provides consulting engineering services in the fields of research and development, design and analysis of mechanical equipment and product development.
We are known to provide innovative solutions to challenging problems, adding creativity to our customer products. We have the know-how and talent to find solutions through skill, knowledge and constructive imagination that come from more than twenty years in the problem-solving business.
Conveniently located on the eastern coast of the United States in Passaic County, New Jersey, we have a quick response time to your problems and inquiries and, if necessary, we can visit your facility for a better understanding of your needs. LebenTech alliance with Argus Engineering enables us to quickly obtain additional engineering resources required to meet increasing demand for engineering design support.
Merritt Innovative Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. brings in decades of experience in offering innovative, value added and cost effective engineering and unique design solutions to Automotive and Transportation, Heavy Engineering, Aerospace and Industrial Engineering industries. Our well experienced professional team has successfully helped our clients by delivering the satisfying solutions saving significant time and cost.
We have excellent infrastructure setup to assist you in your CAD and CAE requirements, whether it is concept development for new product, design validation, design optimization, design for manufacturing or legacy conversion and detailed drawing preparation. We can also assist you in strategic sourcing of fabricated and machined components. With the in-house production facility is due to commence in few months, we are capable of offering you a complete engineering service from design to supply. LebenTech alliance with Merritt Innovative Solutions, Inc. enables us to quickly obtain additional engineering resources required to meet increasing demand for CAD and CAE support.
PRCCS is a premier Insurance Risk Management and Safety Leadership Company that helps business owners and managers red uce operational risk and save money in insurance cost. LebenTech utilizes PRCCS to support engineering risk assessment projects.
Ops A La Carte is a Professional Consulting Firm focused on Reliability Engineering Services, Reliability Management, and Reliability Education to assist you in developing and executing any and all elements of Reliability throughout your Organization and your Product’s Life Cycle. We also have our own Reliability Lab called HALT and HASS Labs where we specialize in all forms of Accelerated Reliability Testing. The lab is located in Santa Clara, California. LebenTech utilizes OPS A La Carte for executing HALT and HASS reliability testing and for opportunities to collaborate on projects.
Expert consulting services on global medical device regulations. Medicalregs experts work with your technical team and quality management staff to implement the essential requirements of the Medical Device Directive, 93/42/EEC and US FDA CDRH. LebenTech utilizes Medicalregs for medical devices requiring regulatory compliance.